Activities and outputs

How are the project objectives to be achieved? What are concrete activities and outputs of the project? The generation of intellectual outputs and the implementation of training sessions and multiplier events constitute the basic activities of the project.

Three concrete outputs will be produced as part of the project. Firstly, a blueprint will be produced that contains the theoretical approach of the R&I Loop model and demonstrates, through a series of case studies, what changes have occurred as a result of the implementation of the toolkits by the partners.
Secondly, two toolkits are being developed:

The first toolkit (Inception and Outgrowing Toolkit) contains an assessment tool that enables implementing universities to determine their starting point and post-implementation changes, various support materials, and quick courses that will be available on the project website for other universities to learn how to use the toolkit as well. Overall, the toolkit serves to promote innovative methodologies of smart specialisation and the civic university.

The second toolkit (Nurturing Toolkit) is intended to support higher education institutions in their institutional transformation towards more communicative or interactive research and research-based higher education teaching. The focus is on communicating research results and preparing students to be future society-oriented researchers. To this end, the toolkit includes a training course for professors and research assistants on communicating research processes and results, as well as a catalogue of draft teaching units.

In addition, two training sessions will take place, in which each partner organisation will participate with five staff members from central units of their higher education institution. The training sessions aim to equip the higher education institutions' staff with methods and resources to ultimately enable the higher education institutions to deliver more society-oriented research content and results.

Furthermore, multiplier events will be organised to introduce actors from academia, business, government and civil society to the project.